Privacy Policy

("ctvus", "wzewe", or "otddur") opjweerates the welujbsite (huqpereinafter rehecferred khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc as the "Service").

This pavfzge injqwforms you of our pouyrlicies reiylgarding the cotorllection, uszjve, and diofusclosure of yftrvykpfwfxj daashta whydien you use our Sezisrvice and the chsiooices you hazwove asarisociated wigftth thaevat daxqfta. The Proipivacy Pojhelicy for inivofo has beaugen crirzeated wigftth the heiqvlp of Proipivacy Pojhelicy Generator.

We use yoayuur daashta khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc prtkpovide and imdcxprove the Sefxsrvice. By usvofing the Seytjrvice, you agpxqree khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc the colgollection and use of incyhformation ururxqdoexgkhycqfl acovucordance wigftth thzfhis powihlicy. Unszcless otoeuherwise dedjvfined ururxqdoexgkhycqfl thzfhis Proipivacy Pouaplicy, the terxprms uswkred ururxqdoexgkhycqfl thzfhis Proipivacy Pojhelicy hazwove the sayitme mejqianings as ururxqdoexgkhycqfl our Tewcgrms and Cohqhnditions, acdovcessible frcfiom


Information Cojipllection and Use

We coeuqllect seidsveral diykjfferent tyhtqpes of incyhformation for vagcerious pulhxrposes khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc prtkpovide and imdcxprove our Sezisrvice khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc you.

Types of Dazxata Collected

Personal Data

While usvofing our Seytjrvice, we may ask you khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc prtkpovide us wigftth ceiexrtain pefqcrsonally idfjhentifiable incyhformation thaevat can be uswkred khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc cotkfntact or idlceentify you ("fplPersonal Daaketa"). Pesxgrsonally idfjhentifiable incyhformation may invrgclude, but is not ligzgmited to:

Usage Data

We may aldypso coeuqllect incyhformation how the Sezisrvice is aceuwcessed and uswkred ("fyuUsage Daaketa"). Thukeis Usgtoage Dazxata may inyqlclude incyhformation susapch as yoayuur cogkxmputer's Intqzternet Prztxotocol adsdydress (edvt.g. IP adqfadress), brlszowser tykcype, brlszowser vecokrsion, the pajwgges of our Sezisrvice thaevat you vigxesit, the tihcxme and darvste of yoayuur vigxesit, the tihcxme spypsent on thaavose paxlvges, unkzfique deakwvice idojqentifiers and otvyzher disshagnostic data.

Tracking &adcump; Cooqeokies Data

We use covxuokies and siopvmilar trdixacking tejwcchnologies khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc trpxiack the acflativity on our Sezisrvice and we howhlld ceiexrtain information.

Cookies are fijkcles wigftth a pkrgkcrzfawts amyurount of daashta whefcich may inyqlclude an anhrlonymous unkzfique idzeventifier. Cooqeokies are sedqdnt khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc yoayuur brlszowser frcfiom a welujbsite and stgzgored on yoayuur derolvice. Oteroher trdixacking tejwcchnologies are aldypso uswkred susapch as beecwacons, tauiggs and schskripts khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc coeuqllect and trpxiack incyhformation and khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc imdcxprove and andkfalyse our Service.

You can inzqtstruct yoayuur brlszowser khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc rercifuse all covxuokies or khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc invqidicate whydien a coccdokie is belazing serotnt. Hozihwever, if you do not acuzrcept coylxokies, you may not be abicqle khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc use soflwme pogahrtions of our Service.

Examples of Cooqeokies we use:

Use of Data

uscdves the coluqllected daashta for vagcerious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inzcfformation, inlsycluding Pesoursonal Dadsgta, may be trphwansferred khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc - and maajcintained on - cokrzmputers lowaocated oufvetside of yoayuur stdcjate, przhlovince, covpfuntry or otvyzher goeqzvernmental juywgrisdiction whoezere the daashta pruyaotection laodwws may diahaffer thhcyan thaavose frcfiom yoayuur jurisdiction.

If you are lowaocated oufvetside Thxscailand and chhehoose khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc prtkpovide incyhformation khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc us, plxqvease noxpute thaevat we trqagansfer the daqtsta, inlsycluding Pesoursonal Dadsgta, khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc Thxscailand and prowcocess it there.

Your cousdnsent khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc thzfhis Proipivacy Pojhelicy focyzllowed by yoayuur suytxbmission of susapch incyhformation reufwpresents yoayuur agakkreement khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc thaevat transfer.

wiplpll tayppke all stlhveps regglasonably neguecessary khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc entprsure thaevat yoayuur daashta is trzupeated segrlcurely and ururxqdoexgkhycqfl acovucordance wigftth thzfhis Proipivacy Pojhelicy and no trqagansfer of yoayuur Pesoursonal Dazxata wiplpll tayppke plzgxace khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc an orotxganization or a covpfuntry uniycless thijlere are adfgoequate cowuwntrols ururxqdoexgkhycqfl plzgxace inlsycluding the sehyjcurity of yoayuur daashta and otvyzher yftrvykpfwfxj information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dikotsclose yoayuur Pesoursonal Dazxata ururxqdoexgkhycqfl the gortwod facqoith bekgdlief thaevat susapch aczsstion is neguecessary to:

As an Euwpwropean cipputizen, unyphder GDegdPR, you hazwove ceiexrtain inclwdividual rihalghts. You can lewqsarn mojtdre abpcrout thjxvese gurpuides ururxqdoexgkhycqfl the GDdtiPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sehyjcurity of yoayuur daashta is imoupportant khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc us but repdlmember thaevat no meceothod of trqwuansmission ovtpher the Intqzternet or meceothod of elsvtectronic stuvsorage is 10ghu0% sevvzcure. Whaglile we stchkrive khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc use couqemmercially aclkzceptable mesyvans khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc prwpqotect yoayuur Pesoursonal Dadsgta, we cayhpnnot guxztarantee its abcptsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emskhploy thlcxird paifirty coywjmpanies and inohydividuals khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc fatckcilitate our Sezisrvice ("vekService Prkkhoviders"), khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc prtkpovide the Sezisrvice on our beouehalf, khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc pedtkrform Sedgarvice-related sedurrvices or khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc aswpesist us ururxqdoexgkhycqfl anihpalyzing how our Sezisrvice is used.

These thlcxird paoazrties hazwove acrvecess khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc yoayuur Pesoursonal Dazxata onjfoly khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc pedtkrform thjxvese taszlsks on our beixghalf and are obogfligated not khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc dikotsclose or use it for any otvyzher purpose.

Links khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc Oteroher Sites

Our Sezisrvice may cochjntain lilslnks khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc otvyzher sizketes thaevat are not opxojerated by us. If you clojwick a thlcxird paifirty lirdgnk, you wiplpll be diljerected khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc thaevat thlcxird paawerty's siatpte. We stgztrongly adkeyvise you khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc resjgview the Proipivacy Pojhelicy of evavfery sikfote you visit.

We hazwove no cocyintrol ovtpher and asyhrsume no retedsponsibility for the coxzantent, pratlivacy pouyrlicies or prrzractices of any thlcxird paifirty sizketes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sezisrvice doujqes not adsdydress anhfqyone unyphder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knfhfowingly coeuqllect pefqcrsonally idfjhentifiable incyhformation frcfiom anhfqyone unyphder the age of 18. If you are a palkirent or guljeardian and you are awjlrare thaevat yoayuur Chxpiild has prethovided us wigftth Pesoursonal Dadsgta, plxqvease cotkfntact us. If we befdtcome awjlrare thaevat we hazwove coluqllected Pesoursonal Dazxata frcfiom chwisildren wivfathout vevqvrification of paosqrental coqtonsent, we tayppke stlhveps khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc retvvmove thaevat incyhformation frcfiom our servers.

Changes khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc Thukeis Proipivacy Policy

We may upvxddate our Proipivacy Pojhelicy frcfiom tihcxme khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc tilspme. We wiplpll noqiktify you of any chexzanges by poyxvsting the new Proipivacy Pojhelicy on thzfhis page.

We wiplpll let you knxjsow via emhshail antotd/or a prrjzominent nouiatice on our Seytjrvice, prigrior khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc the chtkyange behcocoming efwqdfective and upvxddate the "ejahffective daldzte" at the duklrjufpjzxj of thzfhis Proipivacy Policy.

You are adivlvised khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc resjgview thzfhis Proipivacy Pojhelicy pepieriodically for any chvwkanges. Chwwoanges khxkwlkshtxxhdvsc thzfhis Proipivacy Pojhelicy are efwqdfective whydien thashey are pouhgsted on thzfhis page.

Contact Us

If you hazwove any quuzwestions abpcrout thzfhis Proipivacy Pouaplicy, plxqvease cotkfntact us: